The View from Westminster
How long has Boris Johnson got? One of those odd days with not much news, which meant the vacuum was filled with speculation about how the prime minister can prolong his time in office. So far, it is the four Bs: Plan B (dropping restrictions soonish); bash the BBC; boats; and NHS backlog.
Only the first of those seems remotely useful to Boris Johnson: his pitch to the 101 Tory MPs who defied the government whip over the coronavirus restrictions before Christmas is that any other prime minister could not be relied on to keep the country out of lockdown. Hence suggestions that the current restrictions might be lifted before the 26 January review date.
The voters like the BBC, even if they don’t much like paying for it; there is nothing the military can do about small boats crossing the Channel that Border Force cannot; and the NHS backlog is a two-year project that hasn’t started yet.
I was asked on live radio over the weekend when I thought Johnson would stand down and said the autumn, but really, nobody knows.
Quiz question: Boris Johnson is currently the 18th shortest serving prime minister, but who was the shortest serving prime minister who also won an election? Answer at the bottom of today’s email.
What else you need to know today
. . Rentoul’s reading list
And finally Remarkable story of a fairytale castle built in Woodstock, Connecticut, via Rebecca Makkai and Zillow, the US equivalent of Zoopla or Rightmove
Quiz answer: Bonar Law, who fought and won the election in November 1922, a month after becoming prime minister, but resigned (ill health) May 1923. (Thanks to Jocky Wulsin.)
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